Domtar operates responsibly across every part of its business.
Domtar’s future is rooted in the forest. We source wood responsibly, using the highest certification standards.
Working with Non-Governmental Organizations and landowners, Domtar has developed Sustainable Forestry Principles to ensure the continued health of forestlands.
Domtar minimizes the environmental impact of its business operations.
Domtar’s mills are highly efficient and largely fueled by renewable energy.
Domtar is focused on continuous improvement and sets public goals around minimizing waste, water and greenhouse gas emissions.
Domtar uses resources more efficiently by recycling every possible material used in or created from the manufacturing of wood fiber-based products, one of the most recycled resources on the planet.
Domtar is a trusted collaborator to all stakeholders.
Domtar works with the world’s most recognized environmental groups to continue its sustainability journey.
Domtar works hand-in-hand with its customers to offer education and help in meeting their sustainability goals.
Domtar has a positive social and economic impact on the communities in which it operates, and is committed to philanthropy, employee development and volunteerism and supporting local jobs.