Resolute and Greenpeace Parties Announce the Conclusion of Long-Running Litigations - More information

Energy and Emissions

Domtar is focused on optimizing the use of carbon-neutral biomass fuels, improving the energy efficiency of our operations, and optimizing our self-generation of electricity.

Managing our Energy and Emissions

Renewable energyUsed in our P&P mills
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Renewable energyUsed in our P&P mills
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Today, 70 percent of the energy we use in our mills comes from renewable sources, mostly generated from our wood processing and pulp byproducts. The industry average is 65 percent.
Reductionin greenhouse gas emissions since 2013
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Reductionin greenhouse gas emissions since 2013
0 %
Our conversion of aging coal systems to cleaner-burning natural gas has resulted in a variety of measurable clean air benefits, including helping us reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our pulp and paper mills by 32 percent since 2013.